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Old 03-26-06, 09:39 AM   #8
Tha Q.
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^^Well, the thing is this...There are LOTS OF THINGS that are "natural" that aren't morally right. For example, a man's desire to be with more than one female is "natural", but God clearly condemns fornication in the bible. So, saying God will send a homosexual to hell for being gay is the same as saying God will send a fornicator to hell for fornicating. We all have struggles. The problem with people and homosexuality is, they are struggling with their own ignorances, biases, and insecurities because of the LIES they've been taught. Again, satan is very clever. Not only is his job to confuse and to stir up dissention, but his job is also to kill, steal, and destroy. If he can convince people they are self-justified, then they no longer have any obligation to give God praise/credit. That's exactly what he's done with people who think they're better than "homosexuals." Satan has convinced them that lying, fornicating, adultery, pride, and every other sin are somehow BETTER than homosexuality. Notice how you never hear preachers stand up and say, "YOU FORNICATING HETEROSEXUALS ARE GOING TO HELL." However, the same bible he's using to condemn what he loathes says God hates liars and people who are full of pride. There isn't a huge emphasis on homosexuality in the bible. The few scriptures that mention it, mention it and it's done. Jesus spends more time talking about hypocrites and how they'll have to answer to God for doing exactly what homophobes do, divide the people of God.

It will not go unpunished. People who think they are "better" than someone else and are somehow more deserving of God's salvation are IGNORANT of the scriptures. Ephesians chapter 2 clearly states that "salvation is not of works, lest any man boast." That means God saves whom he wants to, when he wants to. We don't do anything to deserve it because EVERYMAN, EVERYMAN is a sinner and falls short of his glory.

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