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Old 03-31-06, 07:40 PM   #16
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

1. theyre misleading
2. alotta times, if u miss ur chance that week she's really feelin u, u aint gonna get her
3. I hate the ones that will do w/e the hell u want wen ur alone, but walk like on the other side of the street wen ur with alotta people, lmao
4. They make my life alot less stressful (even if they cuz alotta stress wen we're goin out), so im crazy wenever i dont have one
5. The fact that we always gotta be the one to make any sort of move at all......

correction: in number 2, its all cool tho if she DOES let u do w/e u want

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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