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Old 05-29-06, 03:20 AM   #25
Tha Q.
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Originally Posted by Mentor
i treat people equal no matter if they diffrent or not so why are ya'll sayin its wrong for me ta treat people equal if they diffrent...i think that be sayin i'll treat a gay person equal to anybody else but if they hit on me or act girly or do anything else that anybody else would do or act ta piss me off then id treat them the same way as i would treat a straight person that pissed me off...if a gay person is cool im gon act cool wit him just like how i would wit a stright guy....i aint gon bash his head in just cuz he's gay..but ya'll makin it look like if a gay guy is gay then i should treat him diffrently and this is comin from Q himself.....

ya'll sayin even if i hate homos i should automatically start shit wit somebody like Q personally because he's gay......which isnt the case like i said equal respect...i aint gon hate the person because he's gay..thats his decision or what he's born wit whatever...but it just grosses me out thats all

^^And, I'm telling you that it's unlikely that you treat people equally when you think subconsciously you're superior to them.

Originally Posted by Unfulfilled
With all honesty Q...real talk...i dont think being gay is right and all...but I dont knock it if you are or who ever...I have no reason to point a finger at anyone because of that....and I dont think that being gay changes anything about anyone...if you are you are....the word keeps going whether you are or not....people get to focus in other people's shit and should really worry about there own...thats the way i see it....


Again, this isn't a matter of whether being gay or str8 is right or wrong. This is about treating INDIVIDUALS differently because of an inherent and ingrained belief that heterosexuals are superior to gay people. I'm saying it's wrong to not consider individual differences because of those biases. People have been taught these things, whether blatantly or subconsciously.

Originally Posted by Indeph
Lmao Nos's political incorrectness is actually refreshing when it's not directed at my race and promoting white superemacy.

Yep, it really is refreshing to see someone make ignorant comments about another culture, esp. if you're not involved.

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