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Old 08-04-06, 01:20 AM   #60
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Originally Posted by Shear Kaughn what are you gonna do about these problems then?

well to fuckin begin with.... if u wanna improve shit on the homefront..... we needa stop fightin fuckin wars that isnt any of our business... cause guess wat.... it takes ALOT of money to support wars... and guess where that money comes from...... U..... and its takin away from EVERY issue that requires money in the US.... which is EVERY issue since everything is controlled by money

so while u dumbasses are like "i dont care if bush kills alotta muslims, it aint my business.... i just care about the issues in my country and gettin my money" u should fuckin realize that prolly the number one reason assistance to solve issues in our own country is decreasin and the reason u may have to give away more of ur money to the government is because we have a fuckin cowboy killin alotta muslims.......

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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