Thread: Statutory rape
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Old 08-24-06, 09:26 PM   #21
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

yea, shit like 16 with an 18 is illegal...... which is dumb....and, to answer omb, i find no real problem with minors havin sex with each other unless they are not educated on sex....... meanin, if they arent usin protection..... and, maybe in some places they arent, but i know at my school and in my general area kids are very EDUCATED on the consequences and issues (altho alot dont listen, but in that case its i feel its almost ALL their fault)

but on to the main topic....... i say until ur in ur 20s, u really should date someone within ur age range of 2 years above or 2 years below........but by the time ur 20 u will probably (whether u go to college or not) be livin primarily on ur own, so u should be mature enough to handle somethin like sex and make the right decision with a person ANY age older then u.......

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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