Thread: "Drug Abuse"
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Old 02-27-03, 06:28 PM   #1
The 13th Apostles
Posts: n/a
"Drug Abuse"


Once again, ment for text, not audio, so the flow goes alittle hey-wire in some points.....Enjoy....

chemical additives makes your anatomy seem faboulous;
specifically master this for a glimpse of habitual actions twist;
synthetic materials used for falsely accused superior abilities;
pathetic individuals clalmley accept this inferior tranquility;
dosages of potency percieved as relief from stress' reaches;
a state of telekenisis seems as the others flames become extinguished;
memorized verses seem impossible in cronical conditioning;
penalized for the simple trys at possible building scheme;
the structure of existace seems to basic to be recognized;
based on veins strained state in the peek into a directed life;
blinding lights cause the night stalkers to enter a type of hibernation;
so at this time of patience, I must settled for rhymes amazement;
being blind and taited from the hype engagement a so called righteous payment;
for a life's arrangement in a rollercoaster ride of Himilayans;
ups and downs, but downs become more common than common sense;
decreasing the public confidence and hence been a problem since;
High class validictorian gets lured into addictive dominance;
Finds herself palmin' fifths simutaneously tryin to remain calm, but tense;
The mortal scouts the party, tho attending the prom wit' friends;
would've been the right decision, something in her night is missing, she found her prince;
Cocaine, the chemical in 'shining armor' will salvage this damsel in distress;
A gentleman approaches "Hello miss, try a sample, it's the best";
examining the mess, there's nothing to loose...but, she's gambling with death;
She becomes interested by the way the guy is handling the meth;
powder drops on her dress, the highs of rushing adrenaline has her mesmorized;
guy offered a cleanup, she refused....His tempered rised...;
she looks frightened as a wicked look entered his eyes, tipsy, and rude;
With rigorousness he grips her wrist, escorts her to an empty room;
tears her clothes off n' begins to lick her tits, and then;
connect his dick to lips while forcefully fingering her clitoris;
She beckoned screams as she's getting raped by this aggressive fiend;
A tale of an innocent soul falling victim to excessive methamphetamines;

Again, flow was alittle wierd, but the meaning was more of my focus here......

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