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Old 09-10-06, 04:40 PM   #2
Under Oath
Posts: 1,182
From: For

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
This is the biggest bitch slap ever...Im challenging the illest heads from EFL to take a shot at atleast one of the 2 leagues we got going on..if you aint never been in one of em and think you good enough then you missing out on the real. Get your ass active and go peep it out...Heres what needs to happend

The LBL is easy to get into and has a lot more talent and competition then most other leagues on the net. Its a good way to stay active and you are garanteed a battle every week with a minimum of atleas 3 to 4 votes as long as you remain active. The cypher and chat threads are a good way to get known or to get to know others on the site that dont really get into regular Front lines or Elivated Front Line Battles. The Mag is a good read for you if you board or want to catch up on whats going down in the league as far as special events and who's on top and shit.


The 1 - 2 Punch leagues is a still growing league that is not as easy to get into as the LBL is. This league usually will take a lil bit more talent and if you dont have it you might not either get in, or stay in pass the first week. Also, Its strict or rules of Swaying for votes and No shows. Its a fun new expiriance for battlers because it uses a different battle format then that of most other leagues and battles. It has about the same features that the LBL has but we are looking for heads that know what they are doing and are confident in Text to join. Its also not so hard as in the fact that you only have to drop 4 lines rather then 10 to 20 like in the other leagues so you dont have to sit there till your ass hurts typing a verse or writing an essay on some one elses battles.

To join the LBL...Just go to the Leagues Section and then the Lyricist battle League thread....Then to the front office and sign in for the next week and you'll get a battle automatically added.

To join the 1 the moment...I would like to be able to send quality over quantity so just drop a good 4 lines on anything that you dont think sounds or looks like ass. This will give you something to link to so that the mods can see your work when you sign up.

Thank You
Wordz AhGod

WORD TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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