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Old 09-16-06, 11:58 AM   #33
Under Oath
Posts: 1,182
From: For

Originally Posted by DQ
It ain't hard, but it depends on what you wanna do and what you don't wanna do. Like right now, I have two jobs. One as a cashier which is just easy money because I have fixed hours, get paid on time and sit on my ass all afternoon but it only pays 6 an hour. My other job is doing the helpdesk, abuse control and PR/marketing for a community site similar to myspace which pays about 10 bucks an hour (for being online a few hours a day lol)

And I tutor some of my fellow students in college for some small cash.

I just got a high school diploma but what gets me jobs like the community site one is my languages. It's all about the skills lmao

What is the website you work at??? and how do you get a online job like that?????????
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