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Old 09-17-06, 04:47 AM   #4
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
OH MY GAWD!! You're some dumb whiteboy with limited views and only get the media side of the story....

If your ass didn't know, Islam is a religion of have a couple hundred people not following that peace and going by malcolm x's preaching by any means neccesary..IT IS WRONG..HOWEVER a couple hundred in a billion in the religion..IS does not represent a muslim atall...

I KNOW Islam is a relgion of peace because I am 1, im african american, i like in BK, do I look like a terrorist?...perhaps because theres black terrorists..does the pakistani guy in ya class look like a terorrist yes but hes probably not because its a very small percentage...

OK! the negative comments from the POPE is fucking stupid...look at christianity and the WARS and Battles they have WAGED over RELIGION...

THE CRUSADES!..that was huge...theres others too I jUst forgot their names...Offcourse some mufuckas are gonna riot because they deepy affectionate about their religion..

Fip the script for the minute, what if a Muslim priest..came out and told the world something like Christianity preaches violence and hate and is a satanic religion..WOAH now riots from all christian movements..

Theyll have all these violent riots and peaceful riots...WAIT DID I SAY flip back the script to wat you have violent riots..but u also have peaceful riots happening too...

BURNING A QURAN = man youre stupid, ignorant, rascist, an allround idiot...thats like saying..ooh well christianity is the relgion of george bush..ooh him and a ton of people destroyed Iraq..Christianity must be a violent religion..

U SEE ure looking at OSAMA Bin Laden, and ure like..oh ok..he must represent the whole of islam..

Man for a comment like that, you do not know what youre talking about..I bet you have never attended an Islam class? thought not..

WTF you do not know for a fact thats how they do it in pakistan..I KNOW sum1 in pakistan...northern pakistan on the border of afghanistan is the only place where you have dangerous activity....but the majority WILL NOT riot just for the comment...look how many people in pakistan..

OH MY LAWD - behind in evolutionary? they are in front of evolution, they know how peace is made...they dont go to violence..SOME DO..BUT THATS A VERY TINY FUCKIN PERCENTAGE MAN..

Fo'real I respected you, but this comment is so fucking stupid


Dumb white boy?

Who the fuck do you think you are kid...

For one your post is full of shit.. If an islamic priest started talking crap about christianity, they WOULDNT riot. Believe me when I tell you that.......

And dont fucking try to pin my belief's to those of mainstream christianity, because I dont follow that religion either. But I know that christianity, as an example, does NOT contain countless fucking morons who wish death upon the western world, who believe suicide bombing is an acceptable method of expressing ones views, who have been operating in terrorist cells throughout the middle east and europe for the past 30 odd years OR more and who cry JIHAD at the slightest negative mention of their religion...

Islam may be a peaceful religion, but a hell of a lot of people who practice it are not exactly aiming for peace.....

And the fact remains, violent NOT a logical way of counter attacking claims that your religion is violent......

Thats why I think these people are a few cards short of the pack.......

I'm not trying to generalise, but shit man........These cats need to get a fucking grip.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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