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Old 12-03-06, 09:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X

look man, here's what you do - and this is the ONLY time i'll ever do something to help you.

all you gotta do is stop calling her, stop messaging her on msn, and basically stop sweating her. give her space, let her feel what it's like to be alone for a minute. if she don't hit you back, she's just an airhead, you were never "in" in the first place, and you're probably just one of many guys she uhh... "has feelings" for. if she does hit you back, then she's as genuine as she said she was.

girls do shit liek this all the time man just to see how much bullshit you'll take. it's litmus test for their control, and right now, she definitely has control. she didn't call you back because she knows you're not goin nowhere. if a girl starts to act stupid, curse her out dude!! don't hold back. be the real you. show her why you go skating around your block with no shirt on. (you didn't think i'd help you without zingin you at least once, did you?)

btw, she said that she lieks bad boys because she likes guys who can take control. something different. a challenge. mental stimulation!

not guys that jump through hoops.

Thanks bro.

good advice, iono maybe you do have it good with bitches.

so yeah fuck it, I ain't gonna act like a dick to you if you keep feeding me advice.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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