Thread: Zig Heil!!!!
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Old 12-15-06, 08:38 PM   #7
∆ P E X X
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Originally Posted by Nostradamus
What belief's?

That I like the idea of a nation standing up against the powers that be?

what powers that be?

I dont follow in adolf's footsteps through my belief's at all.. I'm just a compassionless asshole who enjoys the controversy. Hitler is a symbol.. You talk of his history like I'm placing all this importance on who he was as a man..

i didn't say you follow in hitlers footsteps. that would be impossible. even if you lived 5 lifetimes you could never do what he did. how did you interpret "align your self with his cause" as trying to live his life? when i say "you align your self wih his cause" i mean you've adopted the like-mindedness of his image. his "cause". you believe in his rhetoric.

btw, hitler is not a symbol. the swaztika is a symbol. a reversed symbol actually, of the pagan/wiccan symbol for nature. you see, hitler practiced judaism as a religion. but he practiced satanism as a way of life. his symbols are all satanic symbols. his logic (of reversing the natural) is satanic logic (inverted cross or the inverted star called the pentagram come to mind?). if something points up, they turn it down. if something points right, they turn it left. because of their value in symbols, this is their 'system'. and to those who know, it's their language. believe me nos, my knowledge of hitler, satanism, paganism, wicca, christianity, drudism, hinduism, mythology, secret scocieties, buddhism, naziism, astrology, taoism, numerology, symbology, psychology, etc. goes deeper than you could ever possibly imagine.
History is just a picture painted by people who write books, nothing you say is nessecarily true either.. In a way, hitler is just like Jesus, both of them stood up against the powers that be, and both of them shook the foundations on a large scale and made some people think outside the box, only difference is the history books labels one as a devine prophet n savior and the other as a symbol of evil towards the western world. Whether hitler is just a figurehead or not is inconsiquential.. I dont follow him.. I dont hate the jewish people.. I just enjoy pondering on what the western world would be like without them sticking their large noses in everyones business and attempting to make us believe they are gods people, making us follow their religions, making us work to fatten their pockets, etc etc..

there you go with that "powers that be" agian. what's powers? jews? jesus was a jew that fought agianst tyrants. ironically, tyrants exactly like hitler. hitler (and every commander of the third reich) was a jew that fought against jews. so how do you see by siding with hitler....that you're not siding with jews? in one form, you resist a jewish way of life. in another form, you embrace a jewish way of life.

how is it in your mind that you're "winning"?

If you want to say that makes me a 'puppet', then good for you pal...

Your a bigger puppet than I am...

nos, if you see that you're some how making progress, you're a hamster in a wheel.

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