Thread: Zig Heil!!!!
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Old 12-16-06, 06:52 PM   #14
∆ P E X X
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Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Mother fucker please...

What a formulated pre-set approach to an argument... Hitler is a symbol, just a different kind to what your thinking of.. I'm also very familiar with satanism you dont need to refresh my memory, to be honest I think if you want to truely understand it you'll need to clear up your head a bit more..

And do me a favor, dont ramble out a bunch of names as though it will give me the impression your well read... A lot of those things have absolutly no relation to the subject at hand..
nos you spent the better half of a paragraph yapping on about nothing what so ever. how bout some facts? got anything other than your irrelevant opinions or would you rather spit up more convoluted bullshit. i don't even know why i talk to you expecting a thoughtout response not tailored to suit you. you already admitted that you can never admit you're wrong, so why waste my time?

Shit man.. You couldnt be more ignorant to what I've said..

Again, and listen this time.. I dont follow hitler.
really???? you have a swaztika in your avy... but don't follow hitler??? hmm ok.

by any you think i somehow believe in your delusions?? oh my bad. maybe all that talk about "eradicating jews" threw me off...

lol dumbass

I see him as a symbol of standing up against a dogmatic world that is so hard up on jewish dick. If you are so against me using hitler as the stem of this symbol, then take arab countries instead, they all want to eradicate the jews and also house terrorist groups who want to destroy the world police*cough* (western world). If they who say they are god's people are all dead, then that will put an end to their religions, an end to judaism, an end to catholosism, an end to christianity an end to islam.. The world would be free of this monster. I'm having trouble believing you even have a grasp on what I'm talking about here.
you cry about hitler trying to end one dogma, but all he was trying to do was overthrow one and insert his own!! that's why i keep asking you the question you find too hard to do you see that you're making progress when a jew is still running your world?? that's whta you're trying to escape but that's what you're running to, and that sounds like progress to you? you're a fuckin fool man.

you just sound like the typical half educated ignorameous mad at everything different than him with a quarter of a clue who thinks he knows everything.

you barely understand what you're saying. i overstand what you're saying. you can't even see where your own ideology is blowing up in your face, and you wanna talk to me like you know something??

that's hillarious.

We live in a western country, therefore sometimes its beyond our rational to go outside what westerners take as a socially acceptable pollitically correct view on such matters. Just like you saying satanism is inverting things, who says things wernt inverted and satanism isnt turning them right again, worshipping the world around us instead of worshipping a religion.
are you fuckin serious? do you have any concept of... pre-existance? a past? history?? either you're trying to bullshit me... or you don't know what the fuck you're talking about., and honestly, i think it's both. you've just been stuffing your own ignorance into those titanic gaps between your wild assumptions. your whole "knowledge" is based on your lack of complete information. you talk like you know satanism? why cuz you read it in a comic book? satanism appeals to the animal urges, and you already know you're just a primitive animal nos, so naturally you like it. but i guarantee you don't even know why satanism turns symbols upside down, and i also guarantee you won't be able to answer this question cuz if you could... you wouldn't have said the dumb shit you said!! so when you try to completely ignore it and come back with no response, i'll slap you in the face with it and this thread will draw to an end where you end up talking to your self.

Our world exists in space, tell me apexx..... In the void of space, which way is up, and which way is down? Think about that.
there is no up or down in space. that's what makes you an idiot dude. either you're stupid enough to not realize that i know that, or you're you're stupid enough that you don't know that. but...either way i'm sure you'll disguize it so you look fuckin "cool" blah blah blah typical nos shit.

Your tip in these arguments is always like 'i know so much and I'm going to flex my argumentitive references' 'think outside the box nos'..

You dont even realise.. Possibly because your scared to take that final step out of the grey area.
why does this sound to me like you're talking to your self? my mind is 4 dimensional kid, your mind is 2 dimensional AT BEST!!! i've gone places you're way to scared ignorant and fragile to EVER go.

why am i arguin with you dude you're like what..17? 18? and you already think you got all the answers? you don't know shit yet dude. you think you know, but you don't know jack shit kid, believe me.

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