Thread: Zig Heil!!!!
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Old 12-23-06, 08:02 PM   #25
Middle Weight
Posts: 651

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Does america suck jewish cock or what....

Hitler, modern day terrorists..

Are they terrible evil mother fucking assholes trying to destroy your way of life?

....Or are they freedom fighters attempting to break free from the currant cocksucking bullshit that is the western train of thought?

A lot of you will come in here with your predisposed generic opinions that have been fed to you since birth by your governments mindfucking jewish run media, but why dont we all for once sit back and discuss this issue without a bias towards what your country has spoonfed you to believe.

Are you happy with one of the most definitive cultural aspects of your countries existance, (the media), being run by the self proclaimed 'chosen people' of god conditioning you to abide by their ways of thinking, following their religious sect's, believing what they want you to believe, fighting their wars, being slaves to their deep pockets and corperations funding your figure head governments, etc etc etc?

Why should we live in a world as puppets to another race?

I'm not anti jewish at all so dont get it twisted, I just dont agree with our western countries sucking israil's cock so much.. Can ya dig it?

God's people my ass...

I haven't been able to pick up any books on this sociological subject, but I'll put my 2 cents in anyway.

I believe the Jews receive all of the attention they do from the United States because our leaders were raised on Judeo-Christian religion and the notion that the Gentiles were less deserving then the Jews. Give or take the fact that the Jews have been very good at playing the victim in every situation in the Middle East since the days of Sumer. The Bible is pretty much Jew-centric, and the Holocaust does nothing more then give these people another adaptation to swindle their way into more aid from almost every developed nation on this planet. Its pathetic indeed.

Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $80 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The indisputable fact that Israeli settlers use approximately ten times as much water per capita as the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza are allowed to use, and that Palestinians must often stand in line to obtain drinking water while Israeli settlers enjoy lush gardens and swimming pools, constitutes the worst kind of violence.

Jews also pressured Harry Truman to change US policy after the World War II and the Holocaust. One letter from a Jewish citizen accused Truman of preferring Fascist and Arab elements to the democracy-loving Jewish people of Palestine.

I can understand any person's frustrations with them.

Oh, and Nos, ignore Apexx, he never really knows what he's talking about.

Satanism reverses everything because they claim to be the adversary of Judeo-Christian values, which they show by displaying opposites and inversions. Magus Peter H. Gilmore of the Church of Satan said so in an interview.

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