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Old 12-31-06, 01:54 PM   #6
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Watch you take this like I'm just hating...(do me a favor and just take the feedback and don't talk shit)

Your lisp fucking sucks, it makes lines sound all gay, try to talk more clearly. You flow is coo I guess but you're mad unconvincing, it's like you're trying to prove to people that you're gunna fucking kill anyone who comes in your path and it all sounds so fucking textbook, nothing that screams Zone Out, it just screams "fake thug". Like seriously, stop and think, "Other than the beat, what the fuck sets this track apart from any other 'Look, I'm so gangsta' track?" This was the type of track that people just listen to to have noise in the background as they do something else. Your voice is kinda annoying too, it's not the type of voice I'd want to hear for a whole album. If you put some more bass in it, it might help. Umm basically what I'm saying is nothing sets you apart, you're just some dude on a track, not THAT dude on a track, feel me?

Yeah, just, if you don't like what I said, pretend I didn't say it, cuz I'm just being honest, don't come at me on some bullshit when I'm just trying to help you out.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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