Thread: RobKilla...
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Old 01-03-07, 01:13 PM   #57
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
now how the fuck you gonna say team one is having a show when you just said team one isn't even a label?

dumbass muhfucka

since wen does a group need to be a label to perform a concert??? apexx, u prove more and more how much of an idiot u truly are... so does that mean that kanye cant perform because "kanye west" isnt a label??? I WONDER...

just shut the fuck up, i never said ONCE we were a label, and i never HINTED at it.... u and ur wild assumptions once again.... isnt that wat got u in trouble last time tryin to argue with me about shit u know nothin about

atleast i actually KNOW about wat MAS is up to because of ur little thread where Spul filled us all in, and ur lil forum where u like hold meetings, lmao.... law was simply sayin u were IGNORANT about TeamOne, and u even proved him right later by talkin shit about how we couldnt possibly have a show because were not a label....

and Zone, ill put it this way... i lost to APexx like 5-3 back wen i was rappin on a COMPUTER mic and didnt even know wat mixin means... u lost to Apexx extremely recently 5-0 in like one day... u do the math and stop bitchin out... im not even askin to set up a formal battle cuz its retarded to do on RV, since theres like 5 active audio members excludin mas and teamone....

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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