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Old 01-20-07, 05:01 AM   #5
New to RV
Btizzle's Avatar
Posts: 18
From: Houston, TX

I am the run of the mill, while you just a chip off the block
But Wizz got skills...I mean he's known for pissing me off
So I'm late, but you ain't a Mountain to shit, its a cold fact
N I ain't talking about me, when someone got a Brokeback
Fat fuck is hungry, but dammit I am just sick of the beef
This dude's a Wizz...and still dropping Shit in the league
But look here, you know gay, but look at this in a new way
N everyone's flicking you the bird....cause your verse BlueJ
But the truth is the casket's waiting, bitch enough's been said
RV don't need your service...unless it's one where you're dead

Here's 10 cause DTH asked me too.
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