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Old 05-08-07, 10:37 PM   #1
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown
Abercrombie & Fitch are the biggest bitches


...... so my friend who works there got fired a few days back..... because me, him, and my friend (he was off work) went there to go SHOP... we BOUGHT clothes and then left... walked thru their little detectors, and even had the bag checked.... BUT, 5 minutes later his manager called him and said that he brought thieves into the store and so he was terminated.... and theyre reasoning behind this was that we all "looked" suspicious, and that the shirt i BOUGHT didnt have a scanner thing on it.... (along with ALL the shirts of that type) so i, OF COURSE, obviously ripped them all off in intention to steal them... and then BOUGHT one, and left the rest there because they were "on to me."
One thing thats gonna get them fucked up tho, is the fact that i have two other friends who work there, one of which was there that day.... and according to them, one kid saw NO missing clothes or scanners (unlike what the firer said) and also made the comment "well he wasnt that cute anyways"
Also, these scanners that the put on the clothes RIP the clothes if u take them off without the proper machine, yet NONE were ripped.... but their reasoning is, this time, that i mustve taken them off, and then somehow repaired them, IN THE STORE... and then preceeded to refold ALL of them, and then place them in small to xlarge order and place them back ON the rack... and then take one of the shirts i planned on stealing (and, btw, just resowed!), and BUY it.....
the real killer is, though, the fact that I pointed out to THEM that all the pricetags were missing on the shirts, u know, because i wanted to know how much the shirt i was stealing COST......
in conclusion, A&F is about to get fucked up... it was the first shirt i bought there, and will def be the last..... wrongful termination of my friend... the best part is.... A&F employees can NEVER accuse someone of stealing, even on heavy suspicion... someone is only a shoplifter if they walk out the store and the alarm goes off.... or if there is a videotape of them doing it..... and the second part is that u can NOT fire an employee because their friend stole unless u can prove that the employee ASSISTED them in stealing... because, as the guidelines also point out, u can NOT try to STOP someone from stealing, or chase down a shoplifter (aka be vigilante)
so even tho he IS my friend, and lets work under the thought that i actualyl stole... he can NOT get fired because he didnt try to stop me... he can only get fired if he helped me.... this is gonna be fun..... especially wen both my parents are lawyers and one is the Director for the Center of Professional Responsibility (aka Ethics) for the largest law association in the world..... even if we dont take it to court (because it would be too much trouble) its gonna be fgun to get like 3 managers fired... and the best part is that my 2 other friends who work there will probably move up in the store because of it.

that is all... and i realize thats alot to read... but some of it is so funny and retarded to me that i had to share

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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