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Old 07-16-07, 11:53 AM   #18
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

but also.... i feel like the horcruxes (all of them except maybe 1) have to be places that Harry has already been, or atleast has been mentioned a few times throughout the books... Rowling keeps saying that a very careful reader should be able to find out most of the answers to the last book by reading the first 6.... so im takin that as meaning we should be able to find out where the horcruxes might be... and maybe what the last one is.....

btw... wat do u think about the title??? until i remembered that Harrys Parents got killed on Halloween (All Hallows Eve) i thought the title made no sense cuz there's no like... noun in it.... do u think the titles just refering to harrys parents death (which would prolly make godrics hollow really important in the book) or do u think theres gonna be somethin in the book called a Hallow... blah

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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