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Old 07-31-07, 03:14 AM   #28
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

how about we agree that if it wasnt for her.... 90% of kids who do read for leisure WOULDNTVE without her books... i know, for atleast myself, because of how rigorous my school work was and all the classes i had to take the only times i read in my leisure time HAS been harry potter for the most part.....

the way she created a whole new world while still basing it off the current world... i actually think more than storytelling, but the way she actually created this false hope in people by having a "real world" and a "magic world" where kids reading think that theres a chance this place actually exists... its the same kinda thing with peter pan except "better" because these magical places exist in the heart of london, in the same railway station, etc....

i didnt say she was elegant in her word choice... but her themes and messages speak volumes.... if u think about it.... so much of her stuff can be related to christianity, or current and past wars.... and she has SOOO many political messages on display in the form of magical blood lines, that if u read her last 3 or four books from a political viewpoint u would get so much more out of it than a good story.... theres the whole muggle hatred, and muggle-born hatred of the dark leader... he even condemns half-bloods and wishes to return to a natural bloodline... sounds alil like Hitler doesnt it? especially if u believe all those suspicions that hitler was himself part jewish, just as voldy is half-blood.... even not dealing with "suspicions" of wat hitler is, but the simple fact that the perfect aryan individual was blonde haired and blue eyed, and the fact that hitler was DEF not this, is enough to see the connection...

or to look at the bible connection... theres a shit load:

lucifer: one of gods greatest homies, but didnt like the fact that he was subjected to being equal to everyone else including people on earth........ so he rebels... changes his name to satan, and starts his own group.... voldemort was one of the greatest students ever at hogwarts under dumbledore but didnt like the fact that muggle borns and half bloods would get that hogwarts education or any other benefit that purebloods also got, so he rebels, and his plan is to purify that blood line, changes his name from tom riddle to LD... starts the Death Eaters

and i refuse to continue but theres alot of shit in these books that u shouldnt just talk about stories... yes her writing might not be the greatest... but rowling touches on every theme imaginable... shit Harry (Jesus) even has the second coming...

theres the power of love, there vengeance, violence, politics, social struggle, terrorism, maturation, teenage angst, fate, friendship, DEATH and loss, reincarnation, obviously good vs bad or as dumbledore put it right vs. easy, foreshadowing, flashbacks, plot twists, isolation and loneliness, an Outsider motif with people like Harry and Voldy, responsibility....... basically ANY theme EVER in any book is covered in this...

just cuz her language wasnt elegant doesnt mean shit to me... cuz wat she did prolly took more effort, research, and hard work than most writers out there today... i mean... it took her 7 years to just order out the whole world and story before writing and releasing the first book.... u read george orwells essay on the English language and ull discover that ALOT of writers u think write beautifully are really just foolish.... writing should be about getting your thoughts across, not trying to "impress" (really confuse) the reader with ur vernacular and tired metaphors, etc....

and dont act like it was unreasonable for people to not like somethin because its so popular... u know its true in so many cases... u probably know so many people who have hated a band once theyve blown up......... they "sold out" or "went mainstream"... "OH NO not that!!!" people LOVED 50 cent wen he first came out... now everyone just discusses how he could be so wack and still sell so many records...... i didnt mean to accuse u like you ARE one of those people... but most people i know who talk about hating harry potter books have either never read them or go in reading the books with a pessimistic mindset, lookin for reasons to not like it....

and i dont get why u make it seem like Jk tried to sucked out as much cash as possible??????? first off it is not her fault the books blew up, and i doubt that if u were given the opportunity u wouldve turned down a major movie studio wanting to make movies for all 7 of ur books.... she didnt like shop the book around to movie corporations, it was very much vice versa..... but anyways, excluding sales of anythin like toys, fake HP glasses, broom sticks, etc, ill run some quick numbers:

so far her books have sold roughly 400 million copies i believe
the movies so far have grossed over 4 billion...
she is worth about 1 billion....

which means if u take out booksales, she only made 25% of movie sales.....

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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