Thread: True Love....?
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Old 03-22-03, 02:22 PM   #1
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True Love....?


Find'n true love is as hard as find'n its mean'n...
It's this, in which what keeps us dream'n...
Fien'n, for a love that we'll never find...
True love, is all just a lie...
Shattered dreams broken from cruel reality...
A wicked love, picked out randomly....
Long'n for sumth'n that isn't there...
Us'n the word freely, wit little care...
Can't trust its intentions, or its twisted plot....
The war between love an lust is always fought...
Hard to find out if the love is true...
So the definition I'm suggest'n, is "The Way I Feel For You"...

*kinda ran through this...i just let my feel'ns they might be a lil confus'n an mixed...*
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