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Old 04-25-03, 08:29 AM   #6
BANNED For Being A Bitch
M_A_N_N_Y's Avatar
Posts: 74

Dear Diary
i am spitin against this chump with a vengence//
caus this guy here cant even rap in a sentence//
i dont even no why i am waisting my time//
this fuckin chump should be staring a pantomime//
but in the meantime i will just sit here and rhyme//
up this rap ladder i continue to climb//
and you a witness of this shit i bin spittin//
you in my buisness i should be reaching out and hittin//
you with your little clan, group, crew wotever you wana call it//
you a fuckin hipocrite you dont really fit//
you rappin againt me you gona shit up there style//
pick up your cell phone and 999 you should dial//
tell the nice lady on the other side//
could i have the hospital plz, i think i am infertile//
have i look at my profile,infact i think i'am a peodophile//
neva mid any way its your fuckin choice.//
you wana be a bitch all your lfe then i will sit down and rejoce//