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Old 06-06-03, 02:51 PM   #22
Atetrack define'
Posts: n/a

thankyou muhthugga...slapped sense into no brain commercial clowns ...

hes exactly right...the lyrics arent good.i have nothign against gangsta rap,nothing at all,i dont mind listenign to it ocassionally,but people have cashed in on it,and just listen tot he beats...ill shoot you dawg ,coz im fromthe hood yall...who gives a fuck...honestly...its all good if he lived that way,but at least make rap worth listening to...psh.

im suprised there arent meetings within communities and shit abotu how companies portray the lifestyle...they are basiclly saying black people live in ghettos and shoot peopleto live...wich may be true in some cases,but is also somehting that shouldnt be glamourized,noone makes songs about white serial killers and shit they dont glamourize that,noone makes songs about white people killign people....ina way these comapnies are being extremly racism and small minded...the underground is exactly the opposite,they show a listener that you can think beyond the square of somehting,people live lives that dont include guns and violence like hte industry portrays,they show the listener the real world,what they think about shit,what happens to them,good or bad...underground artists show people how to think,and promote thought and elevation,the encourage growth,not belittling societies into murders...if you think 50 is real good fo ryou,he prolly did do things he speaks about,it is probably his life he tlaks about,but why didnt he continue to do it,now hes jsut making shit up,talkign about pussy and cars nad bitches,clubs,glamourizing thugs making them look like somehting other people want to be to be cool...and it shuldnt be like that,ask any real thug and i bet hell tell you not to want to live a life like his,because its nothign like the television box...or the music mainstream artists produce to create easy money.
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