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Old 06-06-03, 09:29 PM   #24
Johnny 6-feet
Posts: n/a
Re: Why so much hate towards 50?


Originally posted by Bishman
Why does basically every1 on RB hate 50 cent?I think hes good, not the best but good. The thing that makes 50 better than alot of MC's in da game is dat hes been through wot he raps about and that makes a good MC.
So if u dont like 50 tell me why?

just because 50 has been through the shit he raps about doesnt make him a good rapper you fucktard. the life experience and a rap telling a story are two independant things.

50 is one of the weakest rappers lyrically ive ever seen. it'd take less effort to list the commercial rappers weaker than him than it would to list the stronger ones.

lil bow wow (barely worse)
lil romeo

and thats all i can think of of the top of my head. the only reason hes gotten anywhere is that dre and em have basically pushed his "real gangsta" image so hard that people think they can get real insight by buying his records......which they can't.
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