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Old 06-07-03, 03:41 AM   #30
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50 does have style but thats it......

i believe noone likes him because everyone says hes a great lyricist.....

he has NO lyrics.......there basic

then they compare him to tu pac.......

its wutever but he sucks lyrically.......

i can listen to him when i mdurnk at a party and be like yeah this is tight........

but if im tryin to listen for someone to inpsire me and someone who i listen to their lyrics and be like "whoa".......

its definatley not fifty.......

hes basicallly just a commercial rapper....

writin about wut the audience desires to hear.........

honestly everyones into the gangsta rap shit......

so they began to market him.......

and so here we are.......talkin bout him cause hes makin money and is being considered a great lyricsit......

its all business and makin money homie.....
anything in commercial is not art........

its money and who can make the most....
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