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Old 07-02-03, 03:00 PM   #4
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Gazing down from above he stands
Small tiny silver orbs clasped tightly in his hand
gently he places them down on the earth
waves his palms on the small particles and gives them birth
proudly he watches over his small creations
watching them change colour and create different nations
He had created the perfect universe for his litte children
And after all he hd done for him he thought this wouldnt happen
people we no longer nice to each other always bitchin
he watched as the cave men came and went with the revolutions
as swords came on the scene piercing into his precious creatures
killing meat for fun or food with a perilous nature
but then his worst fear came true
man discovered guns
and without a dobt he knew
people would kill just for fun
all the times that he missed out on signs this was occuring
to busy bein big headed to notice the world was hurtin
*why was i so blind as to not see the hurt*
*i gave them everytyhing they needed...out of the love in my heart*

One boy named michael who was innocent and pure
fell to the ground in a pool of blood..and knocked on Gods door
although god was sadly disheartend he still answered his call
he took one look at michael whos eyes showed the earth fall
God asked the little boy how he got to this stage
and when god heard his decree his soul filled up with rage
an eleven year old boy caught up in a shooting spree
this innocent youngster killed...all becuase of me
all because of what i made and all i have created
some worship me every day but in other's lifes im hated
God fell to the round and started to cry
the little boy put a hand on his shoulder..divinity shone throughh his eyes
Please god dont cry theres one thing you should kno
no matter how hard you tried reap what you sow

these people are evil but you had no idea
now theres no cure but heart ache and tears
just because you created them dont mean your responsbile
some people are really lovely..others downright horrible
athough while you sat here reapin the benefits of a erfect world
you were too blind to notice hate and evil unfurl
but do not cry over it get up and start again
because after that cruel world dwn there....we come heaven