Thread: Dirty Walls
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Old 07-11-03, 12:50 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Dirty Walls


Once was considered the best basketball player in the nation...but not anymore

Straight A's on a full scholarship to North Carolina...but that was before

Before his Father walked outta his life...Mother found soaked in blood on the floor

Older brother was nothing but a alcholic that had no problem living poor

He loves the rain...When it comes it can sometimes wash away his pain

Needs an exit from it all but his life is on a one way lane

Friends turn their backs...hope they can get a discount on a ticket to fame

I need some money...Remeber me...Im you third cousin....Its all the same

Plus with all this trouble hes becoming a dad

Heres a story of a kids last day....Who lost everything he had


Sitting quietly in his room rather a cell....holding a peice close

Hasnt faced all struggle but the kid has lived most

Newport in his mouth..tastes better knowing this is his last

Inhale...Exhale..Use to doing the scoring so he figures he'll let
time pass
No fear in his face...Suprises most with his nonchalent manner

Once a fan...above his tv hangs a torn Jordan banner

Wish he could see his problem better maybe he needed galsses

Feels that writing will only take his Will contains nothing but ciggarete ashes
Leaves no notes no message behind

Use to wish life was a movie so he could rewind

No music...No sounds actually....Hell not even a vibe

He laughs away thoughts through his head reapetdley as his Newport nears the end

Past couple months he has become his only friend

Flicks the rest into his trash and watchs the smoke from it rise out

Too focused now....Nothing can cry out
Lays back in his broken chair and stares at his dirty walls

Must have been thinking about his peice of shit car the way his mind stalls
For a moment at ease....the birds and the trees

............Fuck It
Figure he will enjoy his last few mintues...Watch his favorite show

"Damn I actually read the credits this time...Definetly time to go"
(Laughs his pain away)

.............Next on VH1 "Where Are They Now"...............
.............Now his girl has a reason to clean the dirty walls.............
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