Thread: "Clear To Me"
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Old 07-31-03, 11:32 PM   #1
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"Clear To Me"


This is my first love poem that I ever wrote...Its kinda simple...just please tell me what u think...

I remember when our love was strong and real
When your smooth gentle hands were all I wanted to feel
Wanting to hold you close through every season
And when I fell in love, I wanted you to be the reason
We peomised each other we would be faithful
And never would we become suspects of each others betrayal
But lately I have noticed how certain things have changed
Now I think my future isnt really arranged
You no longer kiss my cheeks and hold me close to you
And I no longer feel like our love is pure and true
your eyes seem distant now, you seem so far away
It's like you never listen to a single word i say
I have consulted friends and family about our situation
They say if we fall apart, thats destinys creation
We are spending more time alone, than we are together
It almost seems like we havent hugged or kissed in forever
Even when im lying next to you, I feel like im across the sea
Our love is no longer there, and thats become clear to me
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