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Old 09-18-03, 04:56 PM   #13
Posts: n/a

Here's some from a guy named Nuclear Weaponz, he was tha one that tol' me to go to this site to elevate.

"Like old ladies falling down stairs I'm prone to TRIP OUT and BUST-from-da-HIP //
Wearing ya momma's 'HOOK UP BRA' and breaking it is the only time you've 'BUST'-ED-A-CLIP //"

"You're under me, it's sad that you can't even top the wack//
Friends?? hell naw, I'll rip your spine out, to show I got your back//"

"This shit's more then a mismatch, you're "UNDER ARMMED", so your HOLSTER'S fit, your rap career's like a "LIMO" wit no driver, you've got nothin to "CHAUFFEUR" it/2"

"I got punches to blast you, cause I molded your style like statues, i'll cover my mouth when I "SNEEZE" & then direct punchlines "AT'CHU"/4"

They're hott^^^
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