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Old 11-14-03, 09:14 PM   #2
Posts: 19
From: Central

To win U'd have 2 Cheat, Take Over the Role of Springfields Mayor
Like your Location and group O-Town, This kid is gettin No Where
To gain a Large ego U'd have to take Penis Enlargement Vitamins
Red Lives Up to his Record, thats why no one wants to Battle Him (signature)
Ya not hard, ur Limp, my flow will Drown u like Babies in Yards
Red could never Move me, He's a Buckingham Palace Gaurd
So many Quoted Lines, Is it Jesus' Scriptures ur tryin to Teach-Us?
Like babies in Wombs with out Cords, Flow U could never Feed-Us
I'll shut you down, your a Failed Program, so Controll-Alt-Delete
Why's ur Profile say emcee when ur affaid to Compete wit Elite? (occupation)

^Scared of elite battlers

and about the 'Jesus trying to teach us line'.........just read up on may quoted words.....he probably wont quote now after he saw this personal