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Old 12-01-03, 07:59 PM   #3
Posts: 1,338
From: New Jersey

It’s a thin line between love and hate but…

I gotta find the balance between right and wrong
But my visions blurred with sin and my sight is gone
I try to explain through the lyrics I write in my songs
Death is Weak, Life is Strong… So Then Y Do The Good Die Young??

Mr. Little was hell, a nigger destined to live life in a cell
Strife spoke from a bottle, a knife, and his wife as well
Just trying to get bye, then it was “bye” and a ride to jail
But there, he opened the book, read the writes & excelled
Grabbed his Hold of life, as well, easily grasped the Thresh
See Mr. Little wasn’t little. First name - Malcolm… Changed his last to X.
He stepped into racial equality… a short path to success
Death is weak, but the righteous walk lead him to his last steps
The blast was next, Mr. Malcolm – he pursued where the evil was from
A little too righteously… Death is Weak but the Good Die Young

Death Doesn’t Discriminate, that’s something true to divinity
Malcolm was good… I guess so were Martin Luther & Kennedy
We choose Pac n Biggy, See we understand about what’s right with right
Because by our sight, All these rights our left wrong and lose their life
Choose the strife? I wont do it, So my Sight Is Still Steady Leavin
How can I find my balance on the path of righteousness if at the end…

I have to cease breathin?

Fade out…

I gotta find the balance between right and wrong
But my visions blurred with sin and my sight is gone
I try to explain through the lyrics I write in my songs
Death is Weak, Life is Strong… But The Good Die Young.
1st Battle In Legends
Bars Of War - Champ
L.L.L. - Former HWeight Champ
S.S. - Hall Of Fame

The Eclipse...
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