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Old 12-13-03, 11:14 AM   #6
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

Feeble's Verse

dez might get dickriders, wont win w/ heat though...
cuz skill-wise his whole careers gone incognito


ur overrated, say you're dope, the rumor was he lied
cuz you get no laughs.. but you could humorous and die

LoL, nice

any crew im in is iller than yours, your text is boring still..
cuz said truthfully, word perfect wise my origins ill

Eh...not feelin it

& ever since he entered battle we smelled shit
simply stated. .
Wackness: dezyir's way of being rebellious. .


gets him into fits of rage, his alias's stay yelling shit
& his dezyir to have my baxter d. wall is irrelivence. .

Nice name flip...Not A Real Hard Hitting Punch Though

^ kill you with one line. . the merkings no surprise
he pushes away from dopeness so much they're polarized


they love my text. . ur left in tantrums, extend ur hatred
you lost so much self-worth u need to be renovated. .


Dez's Verse

call me Mike, Iron...cuz im about to KO FM in round one
great Minds think alike..that makes Feeble similar to... one.


FM's so dumb, I set the bar higher and he started to limbo
minscule..unimportant..its good that Feebles Back..
no 1 noticed u left though


it just goes to show..i stomp homos in flocks or herds
makin this faggot Beg For the new G-Unit record

Could use better wording, but not bad..didn't like the build up too much either.

Mind goes unheard..while voters scream 'DEZ IS THE VICTOR'
my mission is to eliminate the Feeble..just call me Hitler

Fuck you, I'm Jewish........not really though, lol. nice punch.

yeah, i know its filler..heh, im just doin this for kicks..
I keep my eyes straight on the prize..while Feeble are..
like this...:wacky:


why so personal Kid? I thought it was me you admired..
i get it..jealous homo..mad cuz it wasnt YOU who i cybered

Funny thread, not a great closer though

Gah...really close battle. Both of you are even in pretty much ever category. Feeble has a little bit better structure/flow to his though. Seems he might have just edged it in punches too. Extremely close battle, good reads.

Vote ~ Feeble, by a poppy seed.