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Old 12-19-03, 01:42 AM   #4
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

Alright kids..listen up...Gather round and make sure you hear me...
Everyone thinks Evolve's dope!...but his origin's just a theory..
Shit's old and weary, I'll see what you went through to get ta this bout
So I stood up, walked a mile in your shoes...and they blew out!
Gloom's shroud, coverin you'll never see'uh new dawn
When I smash your esteem...control and credit til your clout's gone!
As crowds yawn...when you threaten to bust cans and their (eye)lids give
Facin me kid? I'll make ya say unnngh! more than Master P did!
And yeah, your origin's ill, but it's've met WiTs EnD
A lonely bitch..when Camarac aliases is his only circle of friends
Ready to kill again...
It's unhealthy to face me, test and put to rest your group of veteran fools
And I'm not talkin bout food..
When I run through your crew and leave nothin but fruits and vegetables
It's inevitable.....I'm destined to take out bitches and ready maids
And you can call me weak....but I'm droppin this former Heavyweight