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Old 06-26-05, 02:07 AM   #8
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Soc had more punches in that one minute verse than Tony.Self had in his whole song..... no to hate but Socs opener was better than any line lyrically in ur whole track, and that line wasnt even a GOOD one...... its funny cuz i was gonna say the same shit Acuity sed "i cant believe im votin for"..... we just chose different people..... i was so close to votin for Tony because of his length but u really had no punches with creativity, this was a good track in general but not a good battle diss..... Soc has learned to come up with lines that would be dope in text but flow really weel and sound good in audio also..... ur doin pretty good man


...The real Renegade before Hova...