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Old 05-31-05, 03:48 AM   #1
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Week 7 Mag

IP: 6EB9 28C9

Week 7 Mag

Table Of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Battle Reel
III. Top 10 Punches
IV. Power Rankings
V. Outro


I. Introduction

Well, it's been six full weeks and the league is finally start to shape form. People winning, people losing, people tying (what the fuck?), it's all happening in this Punchline League. There has been a Heavyweight, Middleweight, and Lightweight title for three weeks, and it has become evident people are picking up there games to get their shot at being a champion at one of the belts. Also, two weeks ago a few updates occurred. The results of the poll for how long this league would last came back at 20 weeks. After that point there will be a playoff type of deal for the top 8 competitors to determine one champion of the whole league. So, even if you don't get a shot at one of the belts all season it is still possible for you to take home the champship in the end, so keep dropping to the best of your ability. Other then that, don't expect me to cover no shows in the Battle Reel. I'd get to caught up in how fucking gay it is to sign up and then not show. But now, it's about time that I drop some more feedback on the battles in this league. I don't give a fuck how good you think you are. Here is the realness..

II. Battle Reel

HW Title - New Meth0d vs. Hotshh!

This battle started out with New Meth0d dropping a punch the day after I set the battles up. It was a gay punch, but the concept was something I hadn't seen before. I thought it was pretty dope.. as did Jack The Ripper who decided to post that after New Meth0d dropped his punch. Then, hotshh! came in and somewhat fed off of Jack The Ripper's post. His second line was also a gay punch, but I thought his punch was played to shit and pretty much licked penis. He said something about soccer goalies, which I don't give a fuck what you say, that shit is played out. However, some of you disagreed when hotshh! took an early lead by 6 votes, but then New Meth0d rallied back and took the victory to remain the undefeated HW champion.
Winner - New Meth0d

MW Title - Spektikul vs. Drakel

This started out with Spektikul coming in and dropping an unusually penis licking punch. He said something about bed wetting, but what the fuck, I haven't given a shit about that since I was three years old. If I wanted to know about the up to date status of bed wetting I'd ask my little brother, I would not look for some concepts on it on rapverse. fucking com. That shit was wack like no fucking other. Then, Drakel came in and dropped a pretty nice concept. It was about how Spektikul's sig is seperated. I thought it was pretty dope and a clear win for him, and the voters agreed with me on this one.
Winner - Drakel

LW Title - Ambient vs. The Revelation

This battle had the most surprising outcome to me. It started with Ambient coming in and dropping a pretty nice concept, or so I thought. It had unique wordplay and it was, for the most part, original. Then, The Revelation came in and dropped a total peice of shit punch, that wasn't even a punch. It was just a fucking statement about how Ambient hasn't one a title match yet. It was complete garbage. Oh, but it gets better. The Revelation even said he thought Ambient's was better.. and he STILL won. What the fuck is that shit? Whatever though.
Winner - The Revelation

Jimmy Pocketz vs. Hemz

First, let me comment on how much of an ego Jimmy Pocketz has come up with these last few weeks. Wins a couple Punchline battles and now he's thinking he's the big man on campus. He comes into this battle, andtrashes Hemz 3 times before Hemz even posts (not including his verse). Hemz comes in, and dropped a concept that I had never seen before. It was the first time I ever saw a name play on Jimmy Pocketz. I don't know if i don't read enough battles or something, but I thought it was dope. Jimmy drops a fucking statement. He said Hemz has missed hits or something else that licks penis like that. It was the most fucking wack peice of shit I have ever read. Somehow, Jimmy Pocketz pulled out the victory.
Winner - Jimmy Pocketz

Young Blaze vs. Intrepid

This started out with Intrepid coming in and dropping a concept that I have seen quite a bit lately. It was about being on the scene in body bags or some gay shit like that. I don't know. I guess some people haven't seen it before, but being that I have.. I thought it was decent at best. Then, Young Blaze came in and dropped a concept that I hadn't seen before. I honestly thought it was dope as fuck. This motherfucker has stepped his game up big time in this league as of late. However, the votes came in and the battle ended up as a tie.
Winner - Tie

FuxJustAWord vs. Ackrite

This was originally supposed to be a three-way battle, but Retrospecktive no showed like a bitch. So, it just came down to Fux and Ack. It started out with Ackrite coming in and eagerly trying to get the title.. of most wackest punch of the week. I mean, what the fuck? He was talking about burying shovels below maggots or something that just licked total ballsack. It wasn't even a punch. Just a fucking statement about burying maggots. Fuck, that is below penis licking. Fux came in and dropped some pretty wack shit as well. I guess you could say it was somewhat personal because Ackrite mentions AIDs in his sig, but the concept wasn't worded right, and just didn't connect that hard either. But, regardless, FuxJustAWord pulled out the victory.
Winner - FuxJustAWord

pictureperfect2 vs. MarvJay

With all the hype about MarvJay going up, and knowing that pictureperfect is capable of dropping sick shit, I expected this battle to be the battle of the week. But honestly, this battle fucking sucked. MarvJay's punch was about how pictureperfect has an ego. What the fuck kind of piss concept is that? "Yo, you have a big head." That shit licks gigantic sackular tissue. Fuck. That was COMPLETE garbage. Then, pictureperfect came in and dropped a played punch about MarvJay's gay crew name. MarvJay decided to try to sway votes, and ended up winning.
Winner - MarvJay

C.A.L.I vs. Premanition

Alright, this battle licked pretty big penis too. C.A.L.I started off the sack fest with a punch that made no fucking sense at all. First, he talks about premature text, then talks about being a soldier or some wack shit. But I don't know if you guys understand how wack this was yet. The premature text and soldier came in the SAME line. How the fuck can you make any dope transition from fucking premature text (which makes no sense at all by itself) to being a fucking soldier. Please. That shit sucked. But, then, Premanition came in with an average punch. However, it was pretty played because C.A.L.I cant lead a successful crew worth shit. But, to get some votes and avoid being KOed, C.A.L.I decided to post up a response about how Premanition's was played. But, this came down to Premanition being mediocre and C.A.L.I being penis licker-ocre.
Winner - Premanition

MiSk vs. Sdizzle

Sdizzle came in with a pretty good personal. I didn't get it until the second page when dizzle pointed out that his custom title, but after that I thought it was pretty good. MiSk, on the other hand, posted up a line about being constipated. That is almost as bad as MarvJay's punch, but that is fucking impossible to beat this week. It still sucked though. At first sdizzle came out behind because I think people didn't get sdizzle's punch. But, after he pointed out his custom title, he began getting more votes, and eventually won.
Winner - Sdizzle

Graffik Nature vs. O.V.Dose

Graffik Nature started this one off with a concept I have never seen before, and it was pretty nice. I didn't like the, explaining in ( )'s, but it was still pretty nice. Then, O.V.Dose came in with a peice of shit statement that had no connection at all. It was about getting excited with cameras or something. It didn't connect, and didn't come close to touching Graffik's punch. Most of the voters agreed with me, and Graffik got the win.
Winner - Graffik Nature

Daubs vs. Khaoz Theory

This battle was kind of weird. It started out with Khaoz Theory dropping a punch with a quote. Motherfuckers, quotes went played over a year ago. Get the fuck away from using that shit. His punch didn't hit hard. It was about taking a piss or something. What the fuck is that shit? Daubs came with a pretty good concept, but I didn't think it rhymed. It took a few people from the UK to come support his claim that it did in fact rhyme. After that, Daubs started getting votes and took the win fairly easily.
Winner - Daubs

Old 05-31-05, 03:49 AM   #2
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III. Top 10 Punches

10. FuxJustAWord vs. Ackrite
Puttin us on Atkins cuz u want us swallowin beef, thats right?
And with AIDS comments in ur sig, its no wonder you Ackrite

9. Daubs vs. Khaoz Theory
If you were a ps2 character, id def say a hit man, Coz..
Ya winnins like a sniper rifle...........a hell of a longshot!!

8. Ambient vs. The Revelation
your a broke fuck leading a cheap life, ur punches are trash son
bitch, you could'nt live in the lap of luxury if you fucking ran one

7. Intrepid vs. Young Blaze
Young Blaze aint no criminal, no rap world shine or in a mag
'Cause the only time this kid's on the scene, is in a body bag

6. Sdizzle vs. MiSk
u better than me son? u better shut ur face
this a one on one match.. and comin in III place

5. Hemz vs. Jimmy Pocketz
This kid's pathetic, his text reign's about as short as his dick
He could stuff a mirror in his Pocket... still won't get the Jimmy from chicks

4. Graffik Nature vs. O.V.Dose
i stay ahead of dose like uno... if you think you're testin G
then you're givin me an EC(easy) W like the wrestlin league

3. Drakel vs. Spektikul
we all know spek is lonely, last time he with a real girl, never
just check his sig, shit, cant even hold an online relationship together

2. New Meth0d vs. Hotshh!
Ya try an complex, “forced wordplay” is what your about
Ya lines go over more heads….. than the roof of ya mouth

1. Young Blaze vs. Intrepid
Burn this Interpid's Engine to its over heatin degree..cuz Ya Spits Dont Rhyme
Shit "Everyone Can See" I'm "Breakin IN" Like Robbers In Day Time


IV. Power Rankings

10. Jimmy Pocketz
Sure, Jimmy Pocketz has a Middleweight title shot this week, but I honestly haven't seen anything in his posts that suggests he should be ranked any higher then this. He'll have his opportunity to prove me wrong this week if he wins his Middleweight title match, but for now, he's coming in #10 in the rankings.

9. Sdizzle
If sdizzle starts to actually try in his verses he could be a huge threat to everybody else. The dude is the most underrated person in this league, but is better then most people in this league. If he starts to come as dope as he's capable of, he'll climb the rankings and soon enough be a threat for the HW title. That's why he's at #9 right now.

8. Intrepid
He's also underrated, but I know he's capable of dropping shit that could light up any opponent he faces. If he can start unleashing the skill I know he has he'll be a beast in the league.

7. 9th Degree
9th Degree is probably the only person who's 0-0 who will ever get a spot in the Power Rankings before even posting a verse. Everybody at this site knows 9th Degree is upping his game daily, and soon enough he should be upping the rankings in this league as well.

6. Young Blaze
Most of you aren't going to agree with this dude being so high up, but fuck you the rest of you think. This dude has improved the most in this league as of yet. Last week against Intrepid he dropped the best punch all week, and if he can consistently come that dope he'll have a title shot in no time at all.

5. The Revelation
The Revelation has come consistently good all year. If he can turn up the notch to dope, though, he could easily be a HW champion for the rest of the season. However, right now he's stuck at good, which is fine, don't get me wrong, but he has the potential to take over this league.

4. Spektikul
What's to say about this dude? Even though he dropped a weak ass punch last week, I know this dude has it in him to dominate every person he faces. If he can consistently drop good and avoid the wackness his opponents should begin to fear Spektikul.

3. Hotshh!
He had a Heavyweight title last week, and a chance at the Middleweight title this week. He's been atop the rankings all season, and I can't see anything changing. Usually he's able to form creative punches with pretty dope wordplay. If he can consistently keep that style going, who knows what this dude could amount too.

2. Drakel
Surprisingly enough, Drakel has been going through this league mostly unnoticed. However, he's been consistently dropping dopeness and, like hotshh!, has been on top of the rankings since this league started. I don't see any sign that he's going to fall in the rankings, so, if you're ahead of him, you better be ready to pack your bags. This motherfucker is here to stay.

1. New Method
What can I possibly say to describe New Method in this league? He's like the Wilt Chamberlain of this league. He's undefeated, and he's been a champion since the title matches started. He's been a beast in this league, and I don't have any reason to believe he won't be for the rest of the season. This guy could easily be the champion of this league if he keeps this pace up.


V. Outro

Well, this is it for this edition of the Punchline League Mag. Keep stepping your game up. Remember, only the top 8 of you in the rankings will move on to the playoffs after week 20. Keep doing your best to drop dope, and good luck. I'll get back to you guys with another mag next week.
Old 05-31-05, 06:58 AM   #3
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nice shit man.... i read it all, good mag.
Old 05-31-05, 08:18 AM   #4
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Werd, solid shit man.

Laughing at my mag and could only comment by saying...

"Ouch, my pride".

Old 05-31-05, 09:07 AM   #5
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ahaha... the top two punches were dope

had me laughin

just a suggestion.... i'd like to see somethin that shows the rankings of everyone involved... and the amount of points they have

if something like that is already available, can i have a link showing me where it is?

Rapdemon: i can be your groupie of the week!
xGRaFFiK NaTuREx: lol

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Old 05-31-05, 09:10 AM   #6
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^ in front office.
Old 05-31-05, 09:12 AM   #7
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dope... appreciate it

Rapdemon: i can be your groupie of the week!
xGRaFFiK NaTuREx: lol

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Old 05-31-05, 01:12 PM   #8
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Ha Ha, Damn!! Not Even Da Moderator Ov Diz Forum Understood My Punc Vs Daubs, But Itz Str8 I Aint Trying 2 Complain Or Bitch About iT!!! Good Mag =Even Though U Dissed mE==
==I Don't Rhyme, I Just Explain Shit Real Good==
Old 05-31-05, 01:21 PM   #9
Sean Gunner
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Word to my weird battle.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.
Old 05-31-05, 01:27 PM   #10
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No matter wha i aint gone get no Respect from Mim

But aslong as i keep winning...cant say shit

*Nuff Said*




~~Bumpin My Musik~~
~Audio Rookie Of The Year..Ya Tha Real 1~

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Old 05-31-05, 02:02 PM   #11
Nynth Degree
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Wow @ Power Rankings...dopeness
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.
Old 05-31-05, 11:41 PM   #12
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word, good mag man.....way to be witty, haha

this world is a drug, and everyone's selfish

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Old 06-01-05, 01:58 AM   #13
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lol....... u coulda atleast mentioned that my punch that was suppose to be against retro wasnt penis lickin.... i mean, that is why i got all my votes, lmao

lmao, i didnt think bein called wack as fuck would be so funny tho

btw, i know u sed didnt wanna cover no shows in battle reels.......... but that "throwback" line i had was like 20 times better than the other one against Ackrite..

good job with the mag anyways dude, even tho i still dont think Blaze's punch was that great.... the setup didnt have anythin to do with the punch really, the punch was a lil SG, and i just didnt think the wordplay was that nice..

...The real Renegade before Hova...
Old 06-06-05, 03:34 AM   #14
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I thought Blaze's punch was sick
Old 06-06-05, 03:34 AM   #15
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